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It’s hard for me to decide which one would come first! But! Here goes in no specific order!

Look into ways to conserve all our natural resources. Even if it means recycling used water but to have it processed and filtered better than it went out through the tap. Put a moratorium on fracking. As far as I am concerned! There is not enough through research on it. More alleged problems than it solves. To come up with a better National health care plan the current one.

Even though some if not most of us! Do not wake up to Industrial air pollution. It stilled needs to be right up there with the rest of them. Clearly! The key to this world! Is recycling all things! Ever since civilization began. It was there! In time we used it and did not bother to think nothing of it. Now! We have to do what we have to do. Or later down the road. It will become either a hot commodity to a point that it will be on a first come! First serve basis. Or the good old black market will have it but at a much bigger price and who knows what might be in the water? Or! Take what one has so that we can live on it too!

I just hope that! We do not see ourselves in a situation where we may have to live without what we got used to live with.

To filter public assistance! Yes! There are people who are in need of it! But! There are those who are always on the take of any if not every kind and type of assistance since it does not come out of their pocket. I was told by one person who worked a food pantry place for the low income. She said she could not give out what the Federal poverty level because she had found that when she did! They would come back under the income level. She got onto their game quick!

Wars! Sends chills up and down the spines of one and all! The question comes into mind: “How do you stop a poor man’s war?” Do what we are doing now? We will not see the end of groups like ISIS! There will be others. No doubt!

The eradication of “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS”! And replace it to bring back “COMMON SENSE”! LOOK IT UP! IT’S A WORD/PHRASE!


Gun buyback programs to me! Are not a cure all! Nor an end to all also. Because people believe it or not. Do have opt’s. To those who do not have a gun. They can buy one and turn it in just to take advantage of what comes with it! Or! Turn theirs in for the same. How? Does that solve the problem? It’s the ever so cheapest band-aid there is!,

And even that very day of the buyback you will hear of some crime was committed with the use of a gun. In that very same city! Let’s say! That! There was on one day a city to city confiscation of any kinds and types of weapons. One problem with that! There is the “Black Market” Yes! The price may be high to buy a gun or any other weapon. But to weapon enthusiast/lovers it really does not matter at all!,

As well with “Gun control!” At any level of Government! Gun control laws can be drawn up from now to the time of the end! The problem will still be with us. Reducing the output of gun manufacturers. DOUBT! Because that would be Government interference. No business ever wants that! Put gun mfg’s. ,out of business? Again! DOUBT! That would put both us and Government and law enforcement in a bind!,

I guess we are back to square 1!

The 10 Smartest and Dumbest States in America – TheStreet

The 10 Smartest and Dumbest States in America – TheStreet.

It’s been said that. A person who has a high school diploma make more money. Than a person who is a high school dropout. As well as a person who has a degree than who has a high school diploma.

I myself beieve that it also depends on the state education system myself.

Poverty and Income | Center for Immigration Studies

Poverty and Income | Center for Immigration Studies.

The Immigration issue is not going away anytime soon. Because it’s very hard one to decide as to who stays! And who goes?

I always have believed in the “Grandfather rule” But! Where can it be applied? You see what a problem we are in? More questions than answers!


BBC News – Who, What, Why: How do you get your face on the dollar?

BBC News – Who, What, Why: How do you get your face on the dollar?.





I guess you could say that I was looking for a continuation of what I posted earlier.

But! This is just as good because I can relate to it. I was a student in a school(s) where you either a good student! Or you were treated as excrement! I meant what I said! At the time there was no real testing for abilities to see if you were meant to be in regular classes. Or slow learners class.

My mom had a hard time convincing the school principle to put me in slow learners class. The principal said: “We will put him in regular class”. Mistake! If ever. My mom even told me I flunked each & every class! But! They still kept on passing me. When she asked the principal why? The principal said: “Because of his age!”. I was always one to two years older than my other classmates.,

Teachers should not put down a child in front of their classmates because of their problem(s) in class where they think that will help “Wake them up!”. Not true! It does more harm than good.

Granted! Teachers are not child mental health experts. But that is to presented to the parents & the principal for them to decide not the teacher.,

Over the years! I found that the boys were called on more than the girls! Chauvinism! Even in grade school!

And YES! There was some what was called “Class Clowns” in school. We (Yes! even me!) did not really want to be there but! You know how that works.

The inconsistencies! Of teachers how “They” wanted their classroom to be. I still think it’s a matter of bragging rights to the other teachers of: “Look how well my students are!”.

If! There was ever a child that was not behaving! It was either the ruler, yard stick, thick paddle (Many a day! I saw many a yard stick break in half when in contact to the kids caboose!). Board of education to the seat of knowledge! “GOOD ONE!”

It’s not as easy today! To teach kids as it was way back then! Even back then. The teachers thought they had it tough!,

But! Because of the world and the society we live! Teachers are not the only one’s w/o sin! Parent(s) too are to blame as well! Genealogy! Has a lot to do with how our kids are raised as well.

When our parents were raised by their parents and so on. It does get past down to us in turn we pass it down to us as well.

It also affects the child’s behavior in class and their ability to learn as well.,

What our kids need! Is somehow for them to think of how this problem can be worked. Our school system is a combo of one big day care center, a human version of pc programing because that is what the school system really does rather than get kids to learn how to use their minds to the max!

I can remember in the 70’s! We were concerned about the environment of where our kids learned. Now! We are more concerned about the system itself!,

Us as parents want our kids to get a good education so that they can compete for jobs/careers. But! At the same time we do not want to open our pocketbooks to do that because of the (even) politics that come into play!