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LeSean McCoy left a 20 cent tip on a $61.56 tab at Philly burger joint | FOX Sports

LeSean McCoy left a 20 cent tip on a $61.56 tab at Philly burger joint | FOX Sports.

This! Is nothing uncommon! We do have not only sports stars, movie stars, TV personalities and the like! I my self! Have come to know a millionaire family! That is so stingy with the bucks. The son will come over his mom’s house! And try to “Lift” his mom’s newspaper and take it to work with him.


More than likely! He may have thought that: “You should be honored that my friends and I even came here!” And because the server missed an item. He leaves a .20 tip? Who in this world! Has not in their lifetime. Forgotten something either for themselves? Or for someone else?


Perfection not attainable in anyone’s lifetime! It is something to go for! But no one will ever be perfect. Sorry! You know who you are!